QSAR Lab Project CirCel-Paper


QSAR Lab Ltd. transfers chemistry from traditional laboratories to virtual space. The main company activity is a synergy of Digitization, Green Deal and SSbD assumptions in the field of computational chemistry. The founders of QSAR Lab have been dealing with methods of chemoinformatics, nanoinformatics, and computational chemistry used for chemical risk assessment for more than 20 years.

Using in silico methods, data analysis, ML and AI QSAR Lab R&D Team helps partners increase the efficiency of the research, reduce costs and boost innovation.


Project involvement:

Within the project, QSAR Lab will be focused on the application of cost-effective computational methods for the environmental safety assessment of components of the developed materials and prioritization of the compound in terms of their safety for further research in the project.

QSAR Lab Ltd


Anita Sosnowska Eng PhD.


Horizon Europe (HORIZON)

CircEl-Paper – Circular Economy Applied To Electronic Printed Circuit Boards Based On Paper
Grant No: 101070114
Contribution to the development of new concepts, designs and technologies in electronics to support and enable circular economy and sustainability.