“VFP Ink Technologies is a French based company whose core activity is to design and manufacture high-tech industrial inks and varnishes.
Since 1994, the company became an established player in the French market and for more than 5 years VFP Ink Technologies has been recognized as an ink maker reference worldwide. The company is represented in 37 countries. VFP Technologies has 3 facilities located in the French territory and 1 headquarters in Paris.
VFP Ink Technologies’ unique technology in printed electronics industry provides innovative electronic products for several fields included membrane switches, in-mold electronics, photovoltaics, automotive, internet of things, logistic and medical applications. Its offer grants key advantages for game changers companies in the future of printed electronics.
Fully committed to reducing our impact on the environment, VFP approach aims at helping clients make the transition and substitution from certain products to more environmentally ones. We formulate inks and varnishes with strict specifications (non CMR, low VOC, Bio Renewable carbon). We were proud to receive a French label for prepress (Imprim’Vert). The R&D department works hard in developing new tailor-made solutions integrating bio-based or recycled raw materials.
VFP Ink Technologies is also involved in many collaborative projects to develop new processes for electronic devices fabrication.”

Horizon Europe (HORIZON)
CircEl-Paper – Circular Economy Applied To Electronic Printed Circuit Boards Based On Paper
Grant No: 101070114
Contribution to the development of new concepts, designs and technologies in electronics to support and enable circular economy and sustainability.